
google ly now everyone goe

Go to need not move mouth, as long as doing not ask no matter, land seller's farmer can also whet you have no temper.
River's head of department although the stem is a public security official, , his energy isn't small either, just right is protect an umbrella.Lin Xiong that mix boy, is his old mens to all take his headache and have him to cover, some affairs do so much many.
On the second day, enjoy son and Li Ying the car went to city in the province and connect young old too.It is about time to save city, enjoyed son to make a telephone call for the river head of department and Lin Xiong.They the affair today is busy, must rush through to return to quickly, singing the affair of spending the drama must stay by the side, and not the ability is saving city to delay.
River's head of department listens to bring him a bottle of empire of 76 years red, immediately exultation.
"The happy son is really 76 years of empire red?"
River's head of department is the expert class that collects a red wine person, which know for 76 years, is the empire red to is what kinds of goods of red wine?Just have some to dare not believe oneself's ear.
"Is what my elder sister Ying's mother sought there from the old friend of Hong Kong come yes, a bottle of none of 200,000 Hong Kong dollars sells."The happy son must tell him the value, otherwise Kui get panic, " still has 1 bottle is to Lin Xiong, I again make a phone call to him."
"Many thanks, I haven't seen best empire like this red, perhaps can hardly look for in the domestics."The tone that river's head of department rejoices with wild joy listens to clearly in the words tube, " I have no money by myself, however after a while I will borrow° from Lin Xion, only, this be not money can buy of."
"River's eldest brother, you this saw, money doesn't be taking care of."Happy son heart in although the meat is painful,the meat still needs to express Tatu, " although you are a head of department,money has no me many."
"Ha ha ……that BE, that I didn't say money, I was a poor people."
Don't give money, that to enjoy son to say to is the best of, explain that river's head of department is to really is him a turn, person in the son sees.If stubbornly give money, what that mean is to living a cent, there is no friendship to be talked and on the contrary wasted a this time effort.River's head of department's being used as a head of department isn't a corrupt official, money certainly can't take out more 200,000 many come affirmative not easy, but the right is a good thing, hereafter still fear to have no opportunity to joy son advantage?
The happy son makes a phone call to Lin Xiong again, once that domestic animals listen to and start to leap three Chinese foot Gao.
"Happy son, you are really a good brothers, many words didn't say, I came right away an airport to assemble with you."
Drive to airport, don't arrive half for hour, river's head of department and Lin Xiong all arrived.
"Happy son, really having of the dog ovum yours."Lin Xiong got off, is to rush at to enjoy son, embrace all of a sudden to enjoy son, tap his shoulder, use to enjoy their country words of son to call, " I listen to river's eldest brother say, wanted several 100,001 bottles, this gives you draw a check!"
"Eldest brother wood, I know your Qian Duo, however the wine doesn't sell!"
The happy son smiles.
"Do not sell?That I rob!"Lin Xiong also roars with laughter, " I know that you are some kind of good intentionses, but this wine Be too costly to weigh, I does the really ashamed white take."
"Lin Xiong, you took that wine to go, is also a fatty pig arch cabbage, is wasting good thing pure."River's head of department shook to shake head, " you these boy meeting article what wine?"
"Hey Hey ……river's eldest brother, you don't want to despise us."Lin Xiong's cachinnation wears, " is serious, best wine like this I also loathe to give up to drink, I also put into my cocktail cabinet to lock and let those greedy boys looking at could not eat, the Chan dies they!"
He really had this viewpoint.
However, his viewpoint is different from river's head of department, river's head of department is pure is the Chi that is a kind of to the red wines fan, exists 1 kind to appreciate, but Lin Xiong is a kind of mental state for showing.The best wine like this is difficult to look for, drank up and then haded no, lock enter cocktail cabinet inside, can keep on showing.
"Seeing your boy can collect for several days!"
River's head of department sneers at.4 people simultaneously say part to airport inside walk.

The text chapter 240 beginning gong and drum
Renew time:2009-12-1211:36:40 chapter word numbers:3538

While returning to pottery sand village, the son is a noon.The pottery sand village hangs everywhere, the firecrackers often ring out, the atmosphere in New Year's Day is more and more thick, happiness of the atmosphere also gradually upsurge.
"The village just truely has the atmosphere in New Year's Day!"Is young old to looking at all these too happily, " only arrive village, you just feel to truely be celebrating the New Year."
"Mama, your own affair does how?"
Li Ying hasn't been asking this matter son.
"Was the whole to settle to adjust son, concrete affair someone did, I need not took care of."Was old to smile to smile too much, " I still keep coming back to enjoy this atmosphere in country New Year's Day, ha ha, I how many years don't feel the noisy atmosphere in New Year's Day, joy son, how many firecrackers have you already bought?Has the lantern already got ready?"
The person is more old to more keep in mind old.Think of scene for celebrating the New Year childhood too much, the firecrackers voice that like celebrating the New Year how at that time.New Year's Day just has new dress to wear, New Year's Day just has New Year pudding to eat, New Year's Day just has sugar sugar to eat, New Year's Day just have meat to contain fish ……although she is a female kid,also follow an elder brother to after death let off firecrackers.
"Aunt, the firecrackers bought much, 100,000, there is also smoke flower, all of everythings are Luos silver joss-stick preparation of, the lantern also gets ready, a headlight cage, eight small lanterns.The New Year's Day of"the happy son roars with laughter of, " vegetables also enriches very, chicken duck the fish is everything whole, each kind seafood dry goods also much wear."
The car looking at that after entering thick the atmosphere of the heavy jollification, old too happier.
"Want to do a good matter of Yao in village, so noisy?"
"Sing to spend a drum drama,cnn."
"Spend a drum drama?"The Bo that is old to seem to be fascination too much" I once saw flower drum a drama as well before.Li Gu Yi's ground 《beat brass gong and tinker pan 》 .I still remember now it's clear.She is these dramas red half side sky."
Say to say.The old woman has these two the song flower drum drama the ground adjust son,google.Don't say her ground throat still really must have plank to contain eye ground.The two young men listenned to keep smiling.
"When play.Give to stay a good position."Is old too ha ha smile."Have 《 to beat brass gong 》have already 《tinker pan 》 ?"
"Have no."The happy son looking at excitedly old smiled to smile too much."The county play regiment seems to don't prepare these two play eyes.It is a few《the fringe of hair chops down Qiao and fairy to go together with 》, 《 white the snake spread 》 traditional play eyes to mainly prepare a ground of program.Otherwise I ask them.Have these two play eyes?"
"It not be asking.These drama have I never seen.See these drama good."
Arrived Luo silver joss-stick in home have already worked well rice.Enjoyed son to call her in city.Let to prepare meal also.Just enter family.The bottom hasn't sat steady.Thank big gun to take plentiful county police department bureau chief Zhao Fu to come.
Bureau chief Zhao Fu took 15 polices of county bureaus in person to preserve order.The happy son beat hello with them, Li Ying made the last tea, was drinking and enjoy son to suddenly think of to have a meal of matter.
"Bureau chief Zhao, eldest brother, my favour fainted a head to record to arrange to have a meal of matter, just fierce son arrangement dinner party have no?"The happy son forgot to let just the fierce son arranged for the polices to have a meal, " didn't go, it's yet early now, everyone goes first to have a meal in the town together and comes back a company again to measure an affair."
The person is getting tooer many, about 30 polices, also is different from of person.Sit not to open in the home, have to to town.
"Need not worry,Facebook, did the fierce son just is in in command of lane rice now."Thank big gun to smile" has your brother-in-law to pay with the pottery a book at, exclusively killed one fatty pig, bought chicken fish to prepare a feast similar, you don't eat in the home, either go together, everyone is noisy."
The happy son and big gun arrives at village Wei together meeting.Village Wei will inside hot fire toward putting in big board room in the sky eight eight, at left side of vacant land up beat to have the cooking stove is busy in braising pork, strong aroma at several 100 meters outside can smell.
The fierce sub- maturity just got up and paid help of book and brother-in-law in the pottery under, orderly the arrangement was each work.Stem live of mostly is a young man, also the some big Niangs big Shen helps to cook to wash vegetables, what to cook is twos most well-known cook of pottery sand village.
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