
Beats By Dr Dre Studio sending an email to

When people send a business email, they often make some mistakes that cause their emails to look unprofessional. This causes many problems for the person who is sending the email,Beats By Dr Dre Studio. Mainly it causes others to not take that person (and his or her company) seriously.

Here are some of the things that you can do to make your emails look professional and well written.

1) DON'T USE THE CAPS LOCK - Don't type every letter in capitals. This makes the emails look extremely spammy.

2) Keep All Emails Short - Make sure that your emails are all short. Try to keep all emails under one page long. Also make sure that your paragraphs in emails are short. One or two sentences long is usually the best

3) Avoid Emoticons - Smilies are one of the worst things that you can put into your business emails. Avoid them at all costs.

4) Always Proof Read - Make sure to reread what you have written. You may even want someone else to proof read it for you to make sure it makes sense to everyone not just you.

5) Never Procrastinate - Don't put off emails. As soon as you recieve one reply immediately.

6) Get in, Get out -When you check your inbox, just go in, and go out. Don't spend a lot of time in your inbox. If nessacery skim over all of your emails.

7) Don't be Too Freindly - Make sure that everything you write looks professional and shows respect. Make all of your emails more on the formal side. This is especially important if your emailing someone who you don't know very well.

8) Be Quick and To the Point - If you are sending an email to someone, don't say things that are unnessacery. Don't ask unnessacery questions. Just say what you need to say, ask what you need to ask. The only thing that you should put besides this is a greeting, and a salutation.

9) Don't Just use Email - There are many alternatives. If it is more practical to use the telephone, or arrange a face to face conversation, then do that instead.

10) Use your companies domain name: If your business has a website of its own, then you can have an email setup for you very easily. This will be something like MYNAME [AT] DOMAINNAME [DOT] COM. This looks a lot better than "chessmaster109397u5[at]yahoo[dot]com". If for some reason your company doesn't have a website of its own, I highly recommend that you create one. They provide many benefits including the customized email address's.

By following these steps you will be able to make more professional looking emails to send to your customers and employees. Related articles:

